11am-4pm, 01 Sept. 2018
Access Space, 3-7 Sidney St, Sheffield S1 4RG
A session for live coding visualists (at any level) lead by Antonio Roberts (aka hellocatfood), to talk about their tools and how they perform, with focus on Algorave visuals.
Will include demonstrations of live coding systems (including Hydra, PraxisLIVE, Livecodelab, PureData/GEM), discussions, followed by hands-on workshops.
A core part of the session will be discussion around key questions for live code visualists; how do you pace yourself in a performance? Should we aim to build up slowly or go straight in with loud visuals? How much can you truly respond to the music? Is it important to show the code, and how does it fit with the musician's projection?
Places limited, reserve your place
11:00 - 12:30 - Simultaneous workshops in Pure Data/GEM with Antonio Roberts and livecodelab with Guy John.
12:30 - 13:00 - Break (or workshop overspill time)
13:00 - 14:30 - Hydra workshop with Will Humphries
14:30 - 15:00 - A little talk from me about my experiences of livecoding over the past five years
15:00 - 16:00 - Discussion amongst livecoders about the "state of livecoding for visuals"

Guy John
This talk aims to be an introduction to Live Code Lab and some of the unique features that make it excellent for both teaching and performing.